This love follows me all year round - in summer for the evening meals and garden or to fill the room with the smell of roses or summery flowers, in winter - to make the light part of the day last longer and to remind me how deliciously smelling winter spices are (cinnamon, clove, clementines).
Below you can see some of the "seasonal lanterns" I have been using recently and some of which I might/might not have bought as gifts for the coming holiday week.
Let me just tell you that the IKEA candles are the remains of my huge candle stack which was acquired by me from almost every single candle shelf IKEA had. And the ones which I didnt get - you can blame on my boyfriend, who made sure I get to see the rest of IKEA store goods that day.
(From left to right: White - Ribbonwick candle, red and dark-chocolate - Ikea, purple and rose - Bolsius, two white ones - The White Company) |
Ribbonwick Candle |
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